Note from dog
Normally, I hand NOTE FROM DOG over to a pup who has earned a starring role in a current story, but this time around, I asked them if I might have their permission to write this NOTE because a lot has happened since we sent our last one at the end of November.

The tiny dog desperately chased a car

Fox News

Tiny dog begged to be rescued

This touching video shows the moment a tiny, abandoned dog chased down a car in the mountains of Spain, begging to be rescued. When the dog refused to give up, the couple realized something was wrong.

“We thought it was just a game, but soon realized something wasn’t right because she was running fast and would not stop,” Martina Russo told Southwest News Service (SWNS). “So we started questioning, what’s this dog doing here in the middle of absolute nowhere?”

Abandoned dog chases down car begging to be rescued | SWNS

The pair decided to stop their van and decided to bring the dog to the nearest village to see if anyone had reported it missing.

“We kept on searching for her owners in local Facebook and WhatsApp groups, local passers-by at the fountain, shops, regional Facebook groups, etc, but eventually weeks went by and no one came forward, so we decided to keep her,” Russo told Fox News.

She’s very sweet and funny, very playful, loves our cats – to be fair she loves everything and everyone (especially cats and kids)! We love taking her on adventures and she makes us laugh every day.”