Are you looking for some life-changing magic? Meet someone who will most definitely spark joy in your life. Meet Duke, the magnificent gentleman who came to the shelter because his owners could no longer care for him. Duke is an affectionate dog with a lot of energy to burn. He loves giving kisses and playing with stuffed toys that he often has a hard time giving back. Duke has been around kids before, but his energy can accidentally knock them down. It would be best if he goes to a home with kids ages nine and up who can handle a high-energy pup. Duke is polite, great on leash, and is even housebroken. He would love a human who is active and loves to spend time outside. Because Duke is full of energy, the more you take him out, the more steam he can runoff. What more could anyone could ask for? He is one special boy! If you are interested in adding a sweet pup to your home, hit the adopt button today!