Note from dog
Normally, I hand NOTE FROM DOG over to a pup who has earned a starring role in a current story, but this time around, I asked them if I might have their permission to write this NOTE because a lot has happened since we sent our last one at the end of November.

File:Scottish Deerhound grey 2.jpg – Wikimedia Commons

The 2021 National Dog Show presented by Purina made history as the NBC Thanksgiving classic saw the first repeat Best in Show winner for the first time in the event’s twenty-year history.

1,520 dogs were entered at the Greater Philadelphia Expo Center, which took place on Saturday, November 21 in the Philly suburb of Oaks, Pennsylvania.

The Hound Group was claimed by 2020 Best in Show winner Claire the Scottish Deerhound, while other group victories went to Sasha the Pyrenean Shepherd (Herding Group), Winter the Bulldog (Non-Sporting Group), Jade the German Shorthaired Pointer (Sporting Group), MM the Lakeland Terrier (Terrier Group), Chester the Affenpinscher (Toy Group) and Mo’ne the Kuvasz (Working Group).

Reserve Best in Show (overall runner up) went to Sasha, while Claire was named Best in Show, continuing her family history of excellence in the show ring, as her grandmother Hickory was Best in Show at the 2011 Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, and her mother Chelsea was Reserve Best in Show at the 2015 National Dog Show.

By group, the Hounds are now tied with the Terriers with six Best in Show wins each, while the Sporting dogs have three, Non-Sporting and Toy Groups have two wins each, and the Herding and Working groups have each produced one NDS winner each.

More information on the 2021 National Dog Show can be found in Canine Chronicle Magazine