Note from dog
Normally, I hand NOTE FROM DOG over to a pup who has earned a starring role in a current story, but this time around, I asked them if I might have their permission to write this NOTE because a lot has happened since we sent our last one at the end of November.

Mudi on left, Russian Toy on right


The American Kennel Club has welcomed two new breeds into their official roster. The Hungarian Mudi and Russian Toy have joined ranks with the 197 other breeds that fulfill the AKC’s strict requirements.

Historically a working farm dog, the Mudi (pronounced “moody”) is a medium-sized, shaggy-haired breed descended from sheepdogs. They are described as highly intelligent, capable, and easily trained. Experts in the breed don’t recommend it to first-time dog owners as they are at their best when they are trained for hunting, herding, or competing in competitions such as agility.

The Russian Toy is a tiny breed weighing in at no more than 6.5 pounds. They are known to be smart, cheerful, and very affectionate with their owners. Originating from English terriers, Russian Toys developed their own breed characteristics while gracing the homes of Russian elites dating back to the early 1700s.

Two very different breeds to welcome in the new year. Original reporting by NPR and USAToday.