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It’s a hard thing to think about, but a few rescue organizations are asking people to make plans for their pets in case of their humans’ death. Terminally ill and senior people often have pets that will, unfortunately, outlive them. These rescues ask that there be a rehoming plan in place before it becomes an emergency situation.
Surrendered pets from ill or deceased caretakers have risen to 10.2% during the pandemic. Many of these pets are seniors themselves and are harder to adopt out. By building a plan to rehome them ahead of time, their likelihood of finding a new forever family increases.
These rescue organizations who focus on rehoming these pets are growing in number as there is a clear need for them across the US nation and in Canada, including My Grandfather’s Cat in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Tyson’s Place servicing all of Michigan, and 2nd Chance 4 Pets in Sacramento, California.


Some of these rescues even provide training to hospice and healthcare workers on how to give proper care for their patients’ pets—like Pet Peace of Mind in Salem, Oregon which works with 250 hospices across the country.
Thank you to US News for reporting on this growing need. Not everyone has family members to pass along their pets to. So next time you’re in the adoption market, consider working with an end-of-life rescue organization.