Note from dog
Normally, I hand NOTE FROM DOG over to a pup who has earned a starring role in a current story, but this time around, I asked them if I might have their permission to write this NOTE because a lot has happened since we sent our last one at the end of November.

Yay! It’s a Bones day!

Jonathan Graziano

TikTok Pug predicts the mood of the day to millions

Every morning, for their more than 2.3 million TikTok followers, Jonathan Graziano and his pug, Noodles, forecast the mood of the day based on whether Noodle stands up or flops down in his bed.

How the game works is simple. Graziano wakes up Noodles, who’s asleep in his fluffy bed. If Noodles flops back down, it’s a “no-bones” day — a time to lay low, avoid risks and cancel plans with no regret. If Noodles stands, it’s a “bones” day, and you should get up and get out too.

Order that Japanese fried chicken! Most of the videos begin “Good morning everyone, and welcome back to yet another round of ‘no bones,’ The game where we find out if my 13-year-old pug woke up with bones and, as a result, we find out what kind of day we’re going to have.”

On a Bones day, when Noodles stands up, you may hear Graziano say “”You’ve got to treat yourself today! The Japanese fried chicken you were gonna order for lunch — get the curry to dip it in. All those festive gourds? Buy ’em! That raise you deserve but haven’t asked for yet? You totally deserve it, ask for it!”

Graziano adopted Noodles when the Pug was seven and has been playing this game with him ever since. He told The Today Show that he was surprised at the response when he started posting the videos – which we’ll be watching from now on.

hope you all have the best Monday! ????????

the Bones have spoken!! It’s a No Bones Day!

Sometimes, fans post videos about Bones and make up their own songs. ❤️