Note from dog
Normally, I hand NOTE FROM DOG over to a pup who has earned a starring role in a current story, but this time around, I asked them if I might have their permission to write this NOTE because a lot has happened since we sent our last one at the end of November.

Use this trick to see if your dog is obese

Animal Medical Center

Is your dog overweight?

Fifty-six percent of dogs are overweight, according to Animal Medical Center in New York City. While chubby dogs may be cute, being overweight is a trigger for a variety of health issues and even shorten your dog’s life.

Do you know how to tell if your dog is at a healthy weight? We all know that dogs can make themselves irresistibly adorable when begging for treats or table scraps. This chart can help you tell whether your dog is overweight.

Learn more by taking this survey from The Association of Pet Obesity Prevention.

Dog treat calorie chart

“It’s just a little treat…”

Animal Medical Center