Note from dog
Normally, I hand NOTE FROM DOG over to a pup who has earned a starring role in a current story, but this time around, I asked them if I might have their permission to write this NOTE because a lot has happened since we sent our last one at the end of November.

These puppies will become service dogs.

Warrior Canine Connection

How Warrior Canine Connection Socializes Puppies

Warrior Canine Connection utilizes a Mission Based Trauma Recovery model to help warriors recovering from the stress of combat reconnect with their families, communities, and life.

Veterans help heal themselves by being involved in the puppy training for dogs that will go to other recovering warriors. The organization has live cams that include the birth of new litters, puppy playtime and training.

Each puppy is socialized with more than 100 volunteer petters. Puppy cams are live at various times, and highlight videos are always available on the Explore YouTube channel.

Puppy Playroom at Warrior Canine Connection powered by