Note from dog
Normally, I hand NOTE FROM DOG over to a pup who has earned a starring role in a current story, but this time around, I asked them if I might have their permission to write this NOTE because a lot has happened since we sent our last one at the end of November.

Cindy the puppy is finally home

ABC News

Stolen in a snowstorm while mom was pumping gas!

Valeria Karat was pumping gas during a February snow storm when her car was abruptly stolen – with her puppy inside. “Stop, stop what you’re doing,” she remembered screaming as the car drove away. “Give me my puppy, inside, my puppy!” But just like that, four month-old Cindy was gone.

For eight months, Karat called detectives every day and searched multiple animal shelter. Detective State Police Trooper Donna Sabourin found Cindy in another stolen car and showed Karat her photo. The minute she saw the photo, she told ABC News, she knew her prayers were answered.


Karat looked at the photo and said, ‘This my puppy. I know this. In one second.”

“It brought tears to my eyes, just to be honest, just to see mom and Cindy,” the trooper, who also is a dog mom, said.

The puppy was only four months old when she was stolen, but she knew her family immediately. Does that make you want to hug your dog, or what?!